Over the years we have learnt that financial support is simply not enough to assist our beneficiaries in reaching lasting success. Personal development in the areas of communication, life skills, etiquette, sense of agency, and professional interaction are absolute essentials in being able to present as respectable, capable, and trustworthy within the work environment.

Because of this experience, we are expanding on our formal mentorship programme. Being available to both our past and present beneficiaries, each individual has the option to be paired with a suitable mentor, offering them one-on-one support. This will run concurrently to our established group workshops, which focus on different life advancement themes.

Our mentors are trained to focus on facilitating a strong sense of agency and empowerment within each of our beneficiaries. We discourage the provision of direct advice or answers, instead focusing on providing a secure sense of containment as each beneficiary develops their sense of self and finds their own solutions. We believe this approach encourages our beneficiaries to navigate life with increasing confidence, resourcefulness, and ability – ultimately serving their long-term interests and personal triumph.

Let’s talk mentorship!